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Our History

Peruse through this gallery of pictures from our company's 96 years of history.

Mike Joffre, Lucy Raposo & Bill Whetstone

Mike Joffre, Lucy Raposo & Bill Whetstone

Barry Uman with/avec Alex Carsley 1970's

Barry Uman with/avec Alex Carsley 1970's

Wooden Nickel/Piece en Bois

Wooden Nickel/Piece en Bois

Jose Reis, Alex Carsley & Staff/l'équipe 1980's

Jose Reis, Alex Carsley & Staff/l'équipe 1980's

"Canadian Coin News" 2008

"Canadian Coin News" 2008

Michael Joffre with/avec client Doreen Linton

Michael Joffre with/avec client Doreen Linton

1990's Carsleys Gift Certificate/Certificat Cadeau

1990's Carsleys Gift Certificate/Certificat Cadeau

Mr. Carsley, 1970's

Mr. Carsley, 1970's

Montreal Gazette 1990's Bill Whetstone

Montreal Gazette 1990's Bill Whetstone

Carsleys 50th Anniversary Medal 1978/Medaille du 50e Anniversaire 1978

Carsleys 50th Anniversary Medal 1978/Medaille du 50e Anniversaire 1978

Montreal Gazette Article Jose Reis

Montreal Gazette Article Jose Reis

Michael Joffre, Bill Whetstone with/avec client Gerry Maass

Michael Joffre, Bill Whetstone with/avec client Gerry Maass

Mr. Carsley, Barry Uman, Jose Reis and/et client

Mr. Carsley, Barry Uman, Jose Reis and/et client

Mike Joffre, Lambert Muir & Alex Bergeron

Mike Joffre, Lambert Muir & Alex Bergeron

Article about/sur Carsleys 1970's

Article about/sur Carsleys 1970's

Article about/sur Carsleys 1970's

Article about/sur Carsleys 1970's

Carsley Whetstone Pamphlet early/debut 2000's

Carsley Whetstone Pamphlet early/debut 2000's

Carsley Whetstone pamplet early/debut 2000's

Carsley Whetstone pamplet early/debut 2000's

Alex with/avec Batman #1 (1940)

Alex with/avec Batman #1 (1940)

Michael Joffre & Bill Whetstone Early/Debut 2000's

Michael Joffre & Bill Whetstone Early/Debut 2000's

Carsley, 1970's

Carsley, 1970's

Cards through the years/Cartes a travers les annees

Cards through the years/Cartes a travers les annees

Token over the years/Jeton a travers les annees

Token over the years/Jeton a travers les annees

1966 Customer Service Award / Prix de Service a la Clientele 1966

1966 Customer Service Award / Prix de Service a la Clientele 1966

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1117 Ste. Catherine West, Suite 700,
Montreal, Quebec, H3B 1H9 Canada

©2025 Carsley Whetstone & Co. Inc.

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